Hardcoat ®
HardCoat ® This fourth coating is applied on EPS Styrofoam and is rock hard. It is comparable to polyester. With this coating we can make structural pieces and supply furniture for the highest traffic areas on the market, we even dare to call it bulletproof.
Sixinch has also created a hard coating called HARD FLEX TM that is truly rock hard and can be used as a substitute for polyester. But forget the classic unhealthy combination of glass fibre and nets: the company uses a foam base (EPS or polystyrene) with a coating around it. The advantage is that everything can be made very speedily, but above all the material is very strong. Ideal for intensive use such as seating elements in museums or shopping centres or company logos. Or if you really want to think out of the box: real life cartoon characters in amusement parks and even stairs.

EPS styrofoam / PU40
1 layer primer
1 layer Hardcoat
1 layer color U.V.
U.V. stable
Color systems RAL- NCS
in and outside use